Giralomo Savonarola (1452-1498)

On this day in 1498 Giralomo Savonarola was burned at the stake in Florence. He was a Dominican friar, preacher and self-proclaimed prophet who led Florence between 1494 and 1498. Savonarola is often seen as an early protestant reformer, but his revolutionary rule and popular movement could also be compared to the French Revolution. 

Giralomo Savonoralo, born in Ferrara in 1452, was initially taught by his grandfather who instilled his strict moral and religious principles upon the young boy. These teachings formed the foundation for his successful career as scholar and itinerant preacher. He eventually became the leader of the San Marco convent in Florence where his eloquent speeches about moral decline, repentance and reform drew large crowds.

As Savonarola's popularity grew, his message became more 'extreme'. He called for church reform condemning the practice of selling indulgences and the luxurious sinful lives of the corrupt church leaders. Savonarola also demanded political reform and stated that the poor were being neglected and exploited. He combined this message with prophecies that God would punish the people if society wasn't reformed. 

When the French king marched into Italy and Pierro de Medici, leader of Florence, capitulated, Savonarola's prophecies seemed to become true. The Florentine people drove the Medicis out and Savonarola used this power vacuum to found a new popular republic based on democracy, 'universal peace' and a constitution which was very progressive for that time. However, his campaign to drive out sin was not very progressive. Many secular pieces of renaissance art were burned and strict moral laws were introduced, for example against public drunkenness and adultery.

The new democratic/theocratic republic was an initial success, but Savonarola had made many enemies both in- and outside Florence. He also did not assume real power and largely withdrew from political life. Two failed harvests and an outbreak of the plague increased opposition to him. Eventually he was arrested, tried and executed.

Originally posted on Instagram on May 23, 2021