Akbar (1542-1605)

Part 3: Who was the greatest Mughal emperor? Today I will look at Humayun’s son, Akbar, Mughal emperor from 1556-1605. He is seen as the best Mughal emperor by many and often called Akbar the Great, which is quite redundant as Akbar already means ‘great’ in Arabic. So, what made him so great? In short, he ticked all the boxes of a good emperor and ruler of India. I will tell you why.

✓Great General

The Mughal emperors descended from great conquerors and Akbar certainly honoured his family’s legacy. At the end of Akbar’s reign his empire was three times bigger than at the start of his father’s. Akbar was constantly campaigning all over the empire, conquering territory and quelling rebellions, and he would personally take part in the battles, often leading risky skirmishes.

✓Good Administrator & Diplomat

One problem with large empires is how to effectively govern them. Akbar set up a new centralized administrative system with different branches and introduced a new tax system. He would also allow conquered rulers to keep ruling their land and integrate them in his ruling elite through a system of marriages and diplomacy.

✓Economically Savvy   

Akbar also knew he needed a good economy to be a good ruler and increase his revenue. He adopted policies to encourage trade such as lowering custom duties, protecting traders, and improving infrastructure. The Mughal empire enjoyed a period of great commercial expansion under Akbar.

✓ Tolerant & Inclusive   

Probably one of the biggest achievements, especially considering the modern context, is Akbar’s policy of religious tolerance. The Mughals were Muslims but had conquered a predominantly Hindu land. Akbar was a liberal Muslim abolished laws that discriminated other religions and a special tax for non-Muslims. Furthermore, Akbar surrounded himself with advisors from different religions and allowed people of all religions to construct religious buildings.

∆ Conclusion

Akbar the Great really honoured his name and was a great Mughal emperor. He left a very stable, prosperous, and inclusive empire behind. Did other emperors continue his legacy? More in part 4.

Originally posted on Instagram on February 2, 2022